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Raising Awareness for MOMS Act

ACNM is reaching out to all members of the midwifery community for help in raising awareness of, and support for, the Midwives for Maximizing Optimal Maternity Services Act, H.R. 3352/S. 1697. To that end, ACNM has developed a social media toolkit complete with several text captions, eye-catching graphics for every platform, twitter handles for House and Senate members on committees of jurisdiction, and access to ACNM’s MOMS collateral. 

CLICK HERE to access the toolkit and help to implement policy change that seeks to scale up and diversify the midwifery workforce. 

If you have trouble accessing the toolkit, please contact For questions regarding H.R. 3352/S. 1697 or any of ACNM’s federal policy priorities, please contact


Introduced in both the House and Senate on May 19, 2021, the Midwives for MOMS Act, H.R. 3352/S. 1697, establishes two new funding streams under Title VII (Health Professions and Training Programs) and Title VIII (Nursing Workforce Development Programs) of the Public Health Service Act specifically for accredited midwifery education programsThe Midwives for MOMS Act aims to increase the number of midwives educated by accredited midwifery programs through a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) administered grant program that will directly support student midwives, establish and expand midwifery programs, including within Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other Minority Service Institutions, and ensure support for increasing the number of preceptors at clinical sites to mentor students training to become CNMs, CMs or CPMs. The legislation takes deliberate steps to address the health disparities that disproportionately impact Black, Brown and Indigenous mothers and pregnant and birthing people by prioritizing grant funding to midwifery programs that effectively demonstrate a focus on strengthening and increasing racial and ethnic representation with the goal of creating a more diverse and equitable midwifery workforce.

Click here to access the Midwives for MOMS Toolkit ACNM thanks you for your Advocacy!

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