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We’re Expecting! Announcing Discover Midwives, ACNM’s New Consumer Resource

ACNM members have consistently asked for more targeted outreach to consumers. Last year, ACNM’s Membership & Marketing Committee proposed a new website, Discover Midwives, dedicated to consumer education about midwifery.

Discover Midwives will help us reach consumers by meeting their needs. We know consumers use the internet to find health information and there are many health resources available, but few of these platforms are focused on engagement and relationship building. Midwives do more than present data; we serve as partners with our clients and help them navigate the complexities of healthcare. We hope that when a consumer interacts with our website, they will experience this midwifery model.

The goals of this new site are to:

Discover Midwives will be an engaging platform for consumers to learn from and get inspired by midwives, featuring blog posts, videos, memes, infographics, podcasts, and more from a network of ACNM members. ACNM and the Membership & Marketing Committee are so excited to share this new site with you. Keep an eye out for the release announcement!

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