

  • A short report about the project was included in the University of Minnesota, School of Nursing Magazine, Fall 2017
  • An article was published in the ACNM newsletter Quickening in Fall 2017
  • A report of the project was included in the Macy Foundation Winter 2018 Newsletter.
  • Representatives from all 4 demonstration sites provided a presentation about the project at the recent APGO-CREOG meeting on March 2, 2018.
  • Reading Hospital Tower Health Systems provided a presentation about all of their IPE activities at the recent APGO-CREOG meeting, including their participation in this project
  • An abstract has been accepted and presentation planned about the project for the ACNM Annual Meeting on May 20, 2018. Dr. Avery was also invited to make a presentation as part of a half day midwifery educators workshop also on May 20, 2018.
  • Dr. Jennings will be presenting information on this project as part of a broader presentation at the International Gynecologic Society Meeting on May 17, 2018