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YNM Member Story: Nicky Tomblin, CNM

Share your story: What does midwifery mean to you? What would you like to be celebrated in the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife?

Midwifery means being with women; it means being an advocate for women and their families to have autonomy in their birth. It is a deep ancestral energy in me to empower those women that they can birth their babies out when they are faced with fear and loneliness. It is meeting families where they are and loving them in their journey. I would like for us in this profession to celebrate our differences and the diversity women of color bring to this profession.

Tell us about your background: Which midwifery education program did you attend or are currently attending? What are your areas of specialty? Who mentored you along the way in your career? What inspired you to become a midwife?

I am a 4-year certified nurse-midwife who graduated from California State
University-Fullerton. I am currently transitioning out of a military treatment facility as a full-scope midwife. I am currently mentored by CNM Bridget Moran. I was inspired to become a midwife by CNM Thecly Scott.

Connect with Nicky:

Twitter: @TomblinNicky
Instagram: @NickyTomblin

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