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Interprofessional Education with Midwifery Students and Obstetrics and Gynecology Residents: What Difference Does It Make?

Do you think midwives and obstetrician-gynecologists will work together better in a collaborative and team-based way if they learn together during their professional programs? ACNM and ACOG wanted to know that too! With funding from the Josiah Macy Jr Foundation, four demonstration sites with both midwifery and obstetrics and gynecology programs partnered over four years and worked to develop ways to bring these learners together and then evaluated the impact.

Join our 2021 ACNM Annual Meeting session to find out what we learned. Does it make a difference, and what do we need to do in the future to improve interprofessional education?

In this session, members of our team of midwives and obstetrician-gynecologists will share the following:
• Background information about our project – learn about the materials we developed and our project website
• The difference it has made
• A chance to think about your education programs or clinical practices and how you can encourage learners from different backgrounds to work together

We’ll also share all this information from a genuinely enthusiastic group of interprofessional friends and colleagues who think working together is where it’s at!
You can learn more about the impact of interprofessional education between midwifery students, obstetrics, and gynecology residents at the upcoming ACNM 66th Annual Meeting, held virtually May 23 – 25, 2021.

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