Sunday, January 26, 2025
Probably every midwife still in clinical practice has a COVID-19 horror story to tell. These past two years, we have seen our organization’s listservs light up with requests for help and guidance on crucial obstacles focusing on pregnancy, birth,...
OB resident passing comment: “The midwives have a high rate of third- and fourth-degree lacerations”Another OB resident: “I can’t believe your c/s rate is only 13%, I thought it was much higher given my experience”OB colleague: "Patients who push...
I recently attended the fifth annual (and first virtual) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) MMRIA User Meeting, which brought together individuals from each state’s Maternal Mortality Review Committee (MMRC). The meeting provides a space for individuals serving...
Faculty and simulation educators developed a partnership with a community clinic that provides gender-affirming medical care to transgender and nonbinary people. The clinic developed a simulation for midwifery and women’s health nurse practitioner students and obstetrics and gynecology residents....
Do you think midwives and obstetrician-gynecologists will work together better in a collaborative and team-based way if they learn together during their professional programs? ACNM and ACOG wanted to know that too! With funding from the Josiah Macy Jr...
The relationship between housing instability and poor health outcomes has been extensively documented (Cutts, Coleman, Black, Chilton, Cook, de et al., 2015a; Levinson, Group et al., 2004). People undergoing housing instability experience increased morbidity related to chronic health conditions,...
The Bumpy Road to Perinatal Health Equity The Paradox In 1963, during “A Talk to Teachers,” James Baldwin described the paradox of education as, “precisely at the point when you begin to develop a conscience, you must find yourself at war...
Our team determined that standardization, elevating the patient’s voice, and team engagement were the keys to reducing primary cesarean section rates. We chose to focus on the low-risk population to make the greatest impact. Join us as we share...
In March and April of 2020, our home birth practice phone rang constantly and email inquiries through our website came in multiple times a day. This immediate change in demand for community birth care pushed midwives to adapt their practices...
The spring of 2020 is not a time that any of us will ever forget. Our professional and personal worlds went through unprecedented change as we entered the COVID-19 global pandemic. The tragic loss of life, long-term effects of...

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