Originally adopted in 1955 and most recently amended in 2015, the ACNM bylaws serve as the guiding documents that define the structure and function of all areas of ACNM. Every five years, we as an organization have the opportunity to revisit and amend our bylaws to ensure they continue to serve in this capacity. Thus, it is an exciting time in bylaws; we are gearing up for the 2020 bylaws revision! However, given that ACNM has recently introduced its new volunteer structure and is addressing changes in our board of directors (BOD) composition, there will likely be amendments that will need to be put in place during the lead-up to the upcoming revision.
This is where you come in. To prepare for the 2020 revision, the Bylaws Committee will be spending much of 2019 identifying areas of interest and doing some study and research around them. We will be reaching out to the board, division, and committee chairs, members, the Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education (ACME), ACNM Fellows, and national office leadership for their input. Your participation at any of these levels is not only valued, but vital. Please watch for discussion on ACNM Connect! You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, gain clarity, and offer feedback. Suggestions for revision will be presented for board approval at their Fall 2019 meeting. The recommended amendments will then go out to you, the membership, the required 60 days prior to general election. To adopt the proposed amendments, we will need at least 20% of the Active Membership to return their ballots. This is where you come in again! Every vote counts! If we do not achieve this level of participation in the general election, the proposed amendments will be voted on at the Annual Business Meeting at the ACNM’s 65th Annual Meeting & Exhibition in May 2020.
In summary, your Bylaws Committee is working hard to ensure that our bylaws capture the new volunteer structure and reflect the function of ACNM. Your participation throughout the process is essential. Please reach out if you have any questions about this process or would like to be involved! You may reach out to Melicia Escobar, chair of the Bylaws Committee.
By Melicia Escobar, MSN, CNM, WHNP, BC
Chair, ACNM Bylaws Committee

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