Gender Equity Task Force Steps Forward

ACNM has accomplished much to affirm the gender identities of its LGBTQIA* clients and members. Now we seek an organization-wide conversation to move beyond language changes.


At the Spring 2016 board meeting, the ACNM Board of Directors approved the creation of a Gender Equity Task Force charged with examining member education, online and print resources, and language in ACNM documents. The task force grew out of a recognition of an evolving queer and trans membership in the college, changing patient communities, midwifery care needs, and intentional movements toward sexual and reproductive justice and inclusivity within the broader gynecologic and obstetric community. Our 11 members comprise representatives from the queer and trans midwifery community, midwives currently in practice with LGBTQIA clientele, an external content expert, and members of the board, Midwives of Color Committee, and volunteer leadership.

ACNM’s 2012 position statement “Transgender/Transsexual/Gender Variant Healthcare”( states “It is the position of ACNM that midwives provide care in a manner that affirms patients’ gender identities.” This affirmation continues to ring true, and in the intervening 5 years, ACNM has accomplished much to reach these goals.

An Expansive Consideration

At the same time—acknowledging that other organizations are taking important steps toward gender equity with changes in language in core documents and that opportunities exist to acknowledge midwives and clients beyond language changes alone—ACNM seeks an organizationwide, expansive consideration of this topic. Since its inception, the Gender Equity Task Force has been outlining its scope of work and collecting information within and outside of the college related to its charge. Specifically now we are developing surveys of student and active membership, reviewing opportunities for additions and revisions in the Core Competencies, updating the current position statement, developing a new clinical bulletin, drafting documents focused on a glossary, definitions, and word replacement, and reviewing the ways other organizations have addressed inclusivity and member education. Additionally, at the 2017 Open Business Meeting, a new charge came to the floor asking the college to consider including gender non-conforming people within the current ACNM scope of practice, which the task force is reviewing.

“It is the position of ACNM that midwives provide care in a manner that affirms patients’ gender identities.”

Follow Our Progress

While the work of the task force is in its preliminary stages, ACNM membership can follow its progress by reviewing quarterly reports submitted to the board, which are available to all members on the ACNM website ( With any questions, please contact the task force chair, Stephanie Tillman, at sntillman@

*lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, and asexual/ agender/aromanti

By the Gender Equity Task Force Members: Simon Adriane Ellis, RN, BSN, FNP; Nikole Gettings, CNM; Annie Gibeau, CNM, PhD; Jane Houston, CNM; Noelene Jeffers, CNM; Fausto Miranda; Jenny Nelson, SNM; Elizabeth Reis, PhD (content expert); Mairi Breen Rothman, CNM, MSN; Stephanie Tillman, CNM, MSN; and Ruth Zielinski, CNM, PhD, FACNM.