Saturday, February 15, 2025

Midwives Made a Movie About Circumcision

“If your baby is male, are you planning a circumcision?” How often do you ask some version of that question in your prenatal visits? How do you feel about asking the question? Is it a...

Results of the 2019-2020 Midwifery Clinical Education Empowerment Project

In November 2019, ACNM and the Developing Families Center (DFC) introduced the Midwifery Clinical Education Empowerment Project. The vision of this project was to increase the capacity of the District of Columbia to support...

Urinary Incontinence and the Role of the Midwife

Before addressing the role of the midwife in urinary incontinence, a brief review of kinds, causes, and risk factors is introduced. The role of the midwife, references, and four appendices follow. There are several forms...

Using Educational Resources Wisely During a Pandemic: Simulated Telehealth Visits to Develop Clinical Decision-Making...

The spring of 2020 is not a time that any of us will ever forget. Our professional and personal worlds went through unprecedented change as we entered the COVID-19 global pandemic. The tragic loss...

Interprofessional Education with Midwifery Students and Obstetrics and Gynecology Residents: What Difference Does It...

Do you think midwives and obstetrician-gynecologists will work together better in a collaborative and team-based way if they learn together during their professional programs? ACNM and ACOG wanted to know that too! With funding...

Creating and Sustaining Midwifery Data Collection for Quality Improvement and Research

OB resident passing comment: “The midwives have a high rate of third- and fourth-degree lacerations”Another OB resident: “I can’t believe your c/s rate is only 13%, I thought it was much higher given my...

Midwifery Burnout and the Importance of Work-Life Balance

I can remember exactly when I hit a wall and said I need a change in my life. I had been doing home births for three days in a row and just got home to...

Development of an Intraprofessional Scholarship Workgroup Systematic Process for Creating and Disseminating Midwifery and...

Have you ever wanted to submit a manuscript for publication but felt intimidated or overwhelmed? Have you started a manuscript only not to finish it because you don’t know what to do next? Are...

Notes from the Field: Malawi #1 (Global Understanding)

This column is the first of four from Malawi and illustrates one of the ACNM Global Health Competencies. If you are interested in submitting a Notes from the Field column, please read the instructions...

Midwifery Students Reach Across the Pond: A US-UK Short-Term Study Abroad Experience

Developing a Short-Term Study Abroad Experience Cindy L. Farley, CNM, PhD, FACNM, is an Associate Professor in the Nurse-Midwifery and Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner programs of the School of Nursing and Health Studies at Georgetown University....