The Division of Global Engagement’s (DGE) Reception at the 64th ACNM Annual Meeting & Exhibition on Sunday, May 19, from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., provides a unique opportunity for sharing interests and experience among Annual Meeting attendees, some of whom have worked internationally, others looking for their first posting abroad, and some supporting global health from home. It’s also a chance to learn about midwife opportunities in global health organizations. The DGE works to expand the interest and expertise of ACNM members and to support global health engagement through exchange of information and increasing midwives’ general knowledge about midwifery around the world.
The reception serves as a fundraiser for the Bonnie Westenberg Pedersen International Midwife Award. This award is given biannually to an international midwife to encourage him or her to follow the Bonnie’s path of leadership and vision. Bonnie Pedersen made significant contributions to the profession of midwifery and international reproductive health, particularly in developing countries. The award supports the winner’s attendance at the ACNM Annual Meeting.
Silent Auction, Live Auction, and Opportunity Drawing

Treasures are donated by ACNM members and ACNM National Office staff. You may send your donation in advance or drop it with us upon your arrival at the Annual Meeting. Please make sure to mark it: “DGE Silent Auction.” Reception attendees place their bids and the winners depart with their new treasures. A few items are selected for Live Auction and a few as prizes in the Opportunity Drawing. View
A Note about Donations

We welcome treasures from everywhere, including the US. Fabulous items to donate include: jewelry, paintings & drawings, objects d’art & curios, textiles, etc. As you think about items to donate please try to recall something of its provenance and jot details on a card to place with your item, such as what it is/its use, where it comes from, approximate cost (if known), significance to midwifery, etc.
Note: Non-cash items donated to the DGE in support of this event will receive acknowledgment from the ACNM Foundation, but the donation of the item will not be able to be recognized as a charitable donation.
Networking with NGO Representatives
For those who are interested in pursing work in global health, we’ll have networking opportunities at the reception as well. Representatives from a variety of organizations that use midwives for their global work will be available for roundtable discussion. Organizations potentially attending include Doctors Without Borders, Midwives for Haiti, the Edna Adan Foundation, Seed Global Health, International Rescue Committee, Medical Teams International, the US Agency for the International Development, Jhpiego, Midwife Pilgrim, Midwife International, and International Medical Corps. Stay tuned for a final list and come ready with questions about midwives in global health and to learn about opportunities to work with these great organizations!
Who was Bonnie Westenberg Pedersen?
Bonnie Westenberg Pedersen was a midwife with a passion for international health. She was committed to saving the women and children in greatest need and was loved at home and around the world. Bonnie believed in the importance of empowering and supporting midwives of the world in their struggle to reduce maternal mortality and improve the health of women and children. Since 2001 the award in Bonnie’s honor has enabled nine international midwives to attend an ACNM Annual Meeting.
By Deborah Price, CNM