Announcing ACNM’s New CEO, Katrina Holland


The ACNM Board and CEO Search Committee are thrilled to announce that Katrina Holland, BA, CAE will be joining ACNM starting today as our new Chief Executive Officer.

Katrina has more than 20 years of experience driving business growth and marketing results for professional associations. She served 15 of those years in senior leadership roles across an array of sectors including tax, healthcare, and law. In all her roles, she brought expertise in developing and implementing strategies that grew dues and non-dues revenue with a focus on positioning organizations who are ready for change. Prior to joining ACNM, she was the senior director of strategy and operations/member experience at the National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA) where she served for 5 years. At NAEA, Katrina led the implementation of a virtual learning strategy, the re-design of the association’s journal, the re-brand of the 48-year old organization, and the creation of partnerships that grew non-dues revenue while delivering member value. Her healthcare background includes holding a position as the Director of Membership, Marketing and Communications at the International Association for the Study of Pain, a global multidisciplinary, scientific association, and serving several years as the Director of Member and Council Relations at the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Katrina is an active member of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) and served as a member of their Diversity and Inclusion Committee (2017-2019). In that capacity, she participated in discussions helping to shape ASAE’s current strategic plan for diversity and inclusion. She has been a judge of ASAE’s Circle Gold Communication Awards and has spoken at various regional programs on the topics of data-driven decision making, leadership, and maximizing ROI.

Katrina has received a Certificate of Special Recognition from the Honorable John P. Sarbanes and a Governor’s Citation from the State of Maryland for her mentorship and advocacy for historically marginalized youth. She holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Chicago.

Thank you to the CEO Search Committee for their service to ACNM and diligence in identifying such an excellent candidate for this position. The committee included myself as chair, Jessica Anderson, Jessica Brumley, Elois Edge, Sascha James-Conterelli, Megan Johncox, Amy Kohl, Michelle Munroe, Felina Ortiz, Elle Schnetzler, and Daniel Stec.

Please join me in offering a warm welcome to Katrina!