Region II Update (Jul-Dec 2020)


Greetings from the remarkable Region II! This is where love abounds, both the “loving” and the “brotherly” kind. Like everyone else, we have been dealing with COVID-19, legislative issues, and our lives as midwives. Through it all, some amazing things have happened! Vaccinations have rolled out and the COVID-19 numbers are decreasing! 

Virginia has introduced legislation to license Certified Midwives and full practice authority for Certified Nurse-Midwives. 

Maryland has introduced legislation to license Certified Midwives. 

New Jersey has accomplished several long-term legislative goals. They were able to increase their Medicaid reimbursement from 70% to 95% of the physician rate. They also got a waiver to permit Certified Midwives the same authority to practice as Certified Nurse-Midwives in licensed facilities.

The Pennsylvania Affiliate is hosting their Midwifery Forward conference in March! It will have a mix of online and live virtual content through the month of March. 

The D.C. Affiliate is sponsoring an “Off the Hill” advocacy week with a toolkit we can use to speak to our legislators. There is a lot of buzz and support for the MOMs Act (Maximizing Optimal Maternity Services) along with the BABIES Act and the Perinatal Workforce Act within the larger Black Maternal Health Momnibus.

Strong work, Region II!