Region IV Update (Jan-Jun 2020)


I am so honored to be representing this region to the ACNM Board. I am looking forward to learning your needs, your patterns, and your successes as we move forward and get better engaged. The learning curve is steep with a lot of moving pieces. I plan to attend as many of your events as I can. I am looking forward to the day when I can travel and meet you in person, and get a better feel for what midwifery is like in our states. In the meantime, I will participate virtually. We can communicate via ACNM Connect or my email (‘at old’). I welcome any and all comments, so please feel free to reach out with information, concerns, or suggestions.

Since May, ACNM has been fully immersed in racial justice discussions and anti-racism work. At the Board level, we have had many learning and listening sessions, virtual discussions, and intense immersion in the past failures of the organization. We recognize that these problems continue and need to be a high level focus of our work: for the College, the future of midwifery, and the safety/health of the people we care for. It has been enlightening and rewarding work so far. I believe we, as midwives, have “care” as our primary value: we need to make sure that caring extends to everyone, and especially to those who need it most.

I invite you all to participate in our continuing racism work. ACNM has many opportunities coming up, including listening sessions, anti-racism webinars, and inclusion and leadership events. Plus, there are many resources on ACNM’s Diversity & Inclusion webpage, such as reading material, training sessions, links to other organizations and (of course) groups to join and contribute to the progress. Jump in as you can!

This work is critically important. It has been an overwhelming time to join the Board – trying to learn the acronyms, routines, people/faces/personalities, all while COVID-distanced and during this racism crisis. We are striving to do this right. I admit, though, that it has taken me away from learning and performing my Regional Representative role. Thank you for giving me a chance to do better 😉