Definition of a Retreat:
A place affording peace, quiet, privacy, or security. A period of seclusion, retirement, or solitude.
A period of group withdrawal for prayer, meditation, or study. A quiet or secluded place in which one can rest and relax.
In this time of social distancing, it’s good to remember that this change is temporary; we will be able to gather again. It’s also clear that this can offer a group of hardworking midwives a time to recharge, reconnect and make new connections, with the possibilities of creating new paths to better balance their own lives and improving the ways to champion midwifery as a whole. We have amazing examples of this in Region V!
In November, the Nebraska affiliate hosted a two-day retreat at a state park with multiple speakers during the day, practicing self-care activities and cooking delicious meals. In January, the Wisconsin affiliate hosted two days at the Wisconsin Dells, which included social time, zoom meetings, and sharing good food and friendship. Iowa’s affiliate also hosted a two-day retreat with speakers and pharmaceutical reps sponsoring meals, plus yoga and massage. The Kansas affiliate held a weekend retreat with trail walks, fellowship, crafts, good food, and hula hooping! Hoping these examples can inspire others to make plans for their affiliates in the future for rest, relaxation, and growing your midwifery community.
Legislative efforts in Region V include the WI APRN Modernization Bill (pushing for full independent practice for CNMs), while Kansas is using multiple strategies to move their legislation ahead in pursuit of full independent practice. Similarly, Nebraska has a robust legislative committee monitoring all the potential efforts that could help move them into independent practice without the current supervisory language. The Iowa affiliate has started work to reach out and engage CPMs, in addition to making plans to start a new midwifery training program at the University of Iowa! The Minnesota affiliate has successfully secured a commitment from the MN Board of Nursing to provide regulation and license for CMs, setting the stage for successful legislation of CMs in Minnesota in the future!
In service and support,
Region V Representative