Black History Month: Honoring Black Grand Midwives and Supporting Black Midwives Today
This Black History Month, The ACNM Midwives of Color Committee (MOCC) and Black Midwives Caucus want to uplift and celebrate the importance of Black Grand midwives and the important roles they played in both...
Eliminating the Racial Disparities Contributing to the Rise in U.S. Maternal Mortality: Perspectives from...
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Valuing the Lives of All Mothers
As the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) continues recognition of the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, our nation participates in a month-long commemoration of...
Black History Month: We Want To Tell Your Story
The theme for #BlackHistoryMonth 2022 is Black Health and Wellness, so ACNM will be celebrating and honoring the contributions of Black midwives and their impact on the maternal health crises. If you'd like to...
Black History Month: Reneau House-Diallo, DNP, APN, CNM
The theme for #BlackHistoryMonth 2022 is Black Health and Wellness, so ACNM is celebrating and honoring the contributions of Black midwives and their impact on the maternal health crises. This is Reneau House-Diallo's story,...
ACNM and the Midwives of Color Committee (MOCC) Celebrate Black History Month!
As we celebrate Black History Month, we pay tribute to the struggles and achievements of African American Midwives and their contributions that have shaped our nation.
Join ACNM in recognizing the history and...
Statement of Strong Medical Consensus for Vaccination of Pregnant Individuals Against COVID-19
The following is a joint statement between the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists | American Academy of Family Physicians | American Academy of PAs | American Academy of Pediatrics | American Association of...
House Introduces Bipartisan BABIES Act
Earlier this week,
Representatives Katherine Clark (D-MA) and Buddy Carter (R-GA) introduced bipartisan legislation to
expand access to freestanding birth centers for women with low-risk pregnancies
(i.e., uncomplicated singleton term pregnancies with a vertex presentation with
an expected uncomplicated birth)....
An Update on the Treatment of Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
Content Sponsored by SCYNEXIS, Inc., an ACNM Gold Industry Partner
As trusted women’s health care providers, Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs) and Certified Midwives (CMs) provide a range of holistic care to women during pregnancy and the postpartum period; however, many CNM/CMs also provide care to women...
Midwives Made a Movie About Circumcision
“If your baby is male, are you planning a circumcision?”
How often do you ask some version of that question in your prenatal visits? How do you feel about asking the question? Is it a...
Anatomy of a Difficult Conversation: A Guide for Midwives During Challenging Moments
The Scenario
The midwifery student sat at the computer in the clinic office, looking through her preceptor’s busy schedule and preparing for the day. She got there a little early, and the office was quiet,...