Region VII Update (Jul-Dec 2019): Giving A Voice to the Midwives in Support of Life Caucus


Greetings from Region 7! For this piece, I broaden my territory to include another ACNM group, Midwives in Support of Life (MISL). Two back stories: 1) As a midwifery student at the University of Minnesota, I was told about my upcoming clinical placement at Planned Parenthood and faculty were “concerned” that I would not be successful based on my belief in the rights of the unborn. In our discussion, they seemed surprised that even with a pro-life worldview, I was very pro-contraception. 2) At the ACNM Annual Meeting in Savannah, I attended the MISL Caucus. I arrived a bit late and the first thing I heard was two student midwives tearfully asking if ACNM would ever be a place where a sanctity of life worldview would be accepted. They experienced being treated as “backward” and did not feel they were part of ACNM’s commitment to “embrace diversity and inclusion in our profession and organization at every level”.

The purpose of this piece is to give the MISL Caucus a voice so that the ACNM membership can learn about its critical place in the work we do as midwives. The following was written by MISL leadership:

The Midwives in Support of Life (MISL) Caucus provides a gathering place for midwives and students who support life from conception to natural death. The caucus is composed of members who come from varying philosophies, religious beliefs and backgrounds. They practice in a variety of roles, including, but not limited to, direct care and academia. The goal of the caucus is to provide education, advocacy, and support for midwives choosing to support life.

MISL serves as a resource and source of support for students, faculty, employers, and midwifery and physician colleagues, as well as consumers. Educational sessions, individual consultation, and practice consultation are available through MISL. Members provide solutions and strategies for issues encountered by students, practicing CNMs/CMs, faculty, and employers. In addition to helping individuals, the MISL Caucus serves as an advisor to ACNM BOD, committees, task forces, and divisions on pertinent issues. Areas of interest to MISL include natural family planning, ethical issues in support of life and educational strategies to support students who choose a practice that supports life.

All ACNM members are welcome to join the caucus or simply attend meetings. MISL is active on ACNM Connect and holds formal meetings once per year at ACNM’s annual meeting. Monthly phone or Zoom meetings address specific issues regarding members, practice, professional issues, and/or legislative concerns. Additional regional or local meetings may also take place if community or professional concerns exist.

Follow our conversations, seek consultation or education, and join the meetings. The MISL Caucus is here for you and the women you serve.

Thank you to the MISL Caucus for the work you do and for the perspective you add to our profession and organization.